October 27th, 2023 11:44

"Valkyrie Drive" is that rare ecchi genre work that succeeds where so many others have failed - and continue to fail to this day. The genre is littered with generic, uninspired, heterosexual harem stories. Even the sexual content goes only as far as bikinis & lingerie shots at worst. You might as well be watching a R version of "The Bachelor" franchise.
"Valkyrie Drive", on the other hand, is pure, perverted lesbianism taken to its natural conclusion. Even the main premise does away with cheap romance in favour of female FWB-type relationships.

このプロジェクトのアニメ版である『ヴァルキリードライヴ -マーメイド-』もまた、アイデンティティの危機に苦しんでいる。最初の7エピソードを通して、『マーメイド』はアクション、コメディ、ドラマ、スライス・オブ・ライフのジャンルを支離滅裂に扱っている。このシリーズでは、キャラクターはその行動によってのみ記憶に残るものであり、蓮実レインとレディ・Jのコンビが、一面的なキャラクターの海の中で唯一のファン人気者であるのは当然だ。
Sadly, that's as good as the project gets.
Combining the questionable backdrop of a lesbian virus (which isn't even that), with the concept of people turning into weapons - made famous by "Soul Eater" - in a storyline that takes itself too seriously, kills all the fun that could be had.
"Valkyrie Drive -Mermaid-", which is the anime version of the project, also suffers from an identity crisis. Throughout its first 7 episodes, "Mermaid" incoherently juggles the action, comedy, drama, and slice-of-life genres. In a series where characters are only as memorable as what they do, it's unsurprising that the duo of Rain Hasumi & Lady J are two of the only fan favourites in a sea of one-dimensional characters.

『ヴァルキリードライヴ マーメイド』が何をやろうとしていたにせよ、この文脈ではカービィのアニメシリーズの方がはるかにいい仕事をしている。
Whatever "Valkyrie Drive -Mermaid-" tried to do, the Kirby anime series did a far better job in this context.
It is at the end of episode 8, however, where the fun truly begins. For it is then we are given a proper introduction to our lord and saviour: Momoka Sagara. Sent by a mysterious organization to investigate the previous episode's events, Momoka infiltrates the island, manipulates its rulers, and orchestrates a take-over, while easily dispatching everyone that stands in her way.

We won't spoil what happens next, but there's a reason why we used Momoka as our social media avatar. It is the same reason why we based the design of our mascot character, THEM, on that of Momoka's design.
Momoka Sagara is the essential ecchi villainess. She is a pervert who gleefully mixes business with pleasure. Her ambitions & manipulations are matched only by her depravity and libido. Her entire story arc in Mermaid's final 4 episodes are nothing short of a masterpiece and, needless to say, saves the entire show.

ストリーミング・サイトにアクセスできない人のために、私たちはいくつかのコンピレーション・ビデオを用意した。実は、 私たちがYouTube(後にプロトン動画)を始めたのは、「マーメイド」の最終4話がきっかけでした。私たちは2017年10月から2021年までのちょうど4年間、私たちの手に負えない力によってこの形のコンテンツから離れることを余儀なくされるまで、堕落した瞬間やファム・ファタールのコンピレーションをインターネット上で共有してきた。
For those who can't access a streaming site, we've made several compilation videos for your convenience (& enjoyment). In fact, it was because of "Mermaid"'s final 4 episodes that we got our start on YouTube (& later, Proton Video). We've spent exactly four years, from October 2017 to 2021, sharing compilations of depraved moments and femme fatales on the internet before forces beyond our control forced us to move on from this form of content.
But that's another story, for another time...

Though it stumbles with plot, characters, and setting, "Valkyrie Drive" raised the bar for the entire ecchi genre where it matters. No other project - be it anime, manga, or video games - have come close to matching it in the 7 years since its 2015 launch.