July 15th, 2023 18:27

We didn't keep up with the NARUTO anime after the Chūnin Exams saga, and we never read the manga. Our knowledge of Part 2, Shippuden, came from the second and third numbered "Ultimate Ninja Storm" games. Only then did we discover the gold mine that was the Zetsu, and our fascination only grew after the original series ended.

They are essentially plant people who can create clones of themselves, and can plant spores on people that can grow into a white mass that drains the victims of their energy. Furthermore, they can impersonate anyone who they come into contact with, and even outright devour other people. Without spoiling too much, the ultimate plan of the series' true antagonist is to brainwash and convert everyone into White Zetsu.

Out of context, the White Zetsu sound like the monsters of a horror film.

私たちにとって決め手となったのは、"Ed-jim"、"Hinata-hime"、"benhxgx-pixxx"、"artislifesh"、"NARUHODO/なるほど "などのアーティストによる素晴らしいポルノ・アートだった。特に、「Hinata-hime」、「なるほど」、「hentaipaint7」は、NARUTOの女性キャラクターを白ゼツとして描き、「gomiqo」は、女性キャラクターが白ゼツに犯されるマンガを描いた。
ハナビ 姉妹はなぜかゼツのお気に入りのターゲットなのだ。
What sealed the deal for us was the amazing pornographic art by artists such as "Ed-jim", "Hinata-hime", "benhxgx-pixxx", "artislifesh", and "NARUHODO/なるほど". In-particular, "Hinata-hime", "NARUHODO/なるほど", and "hentaipaint7" all went the extra mile to depict female characters from NARUTO as White Zetsu; while "gomiqo" created a comic where female characters were being raped by the White Zetsu.
The Hyūga sisters are the Zetsu's favourite target for whatever reason.
キメラは吸血鬼とスライムのハイブリッドであり、前回の投稿で述べたように、その全体的な外観は東京ミュウミュウのエイリアンの影響を受けています。 しかし、キメラの最終目標は、1 つの違いを除いて、ナルトの最後の敵対者の目標と重なっています。キメラは、人類を自分自身から救うのではなく、人類を完全に置き換えようとしているのです。
The Khimera are a hybrid between vampires and slimes, and as said in the previous post, their overall appearance was influenced by the aliens from Tokyo Mew Mew. However, the Khimera's end goal overlaps with that of Naruto's final antagonist save for one difference: the Khimera seek not to save humanity from itself, but to replace them entirely.

ゼツのAVを見るとき、私たちは『NARUTO-ナルト-』の女性キャラクターたちが、彼女たちを犯し、しゃぶり、寝返らせようとする、飢えた、ムラムラした、人型のエイリアンたちと戦っている姿を思い浮かべる。ゼツをキメラに、忍者をサキュビに置き換えれば、現在の『ヴァンパイア vs サキュバス』の基礎ができあがる。
It's no secret that NARUTO girls are perfect for pornography. When you think about the role of ninjas in history, tactics such as seduction would not be out of the question for kunoichi. Combine that with the supernatural abilities of NARUTO's kunoichi, such as Yamanaka Ino's "Mind Body Switch Technique", and you have a recipe for the Khimera's mortal enemies: the succubi.
When we see Zetsu porn, we visualize the female characters of NARUTO fighting against a race of hungry, horny, humanoid aliens who seek to fuck them, suck them, and turn them. Replace the Zetsu with the Khimera, and the ninjas with Succubi, and you have the basis for "Vampire VS Succubus" as it exists today.