February 1st, 2024 11:11
Suck, fuck, and infect.
自らを "完璧な存在 "と呼ぶが、キメラは人間の獲物を追い詰め、むさぼり食うと、サディスティックで動物的な捕食者になる。彼らは群れで狩りをするのが大好きで、それは特に恐怖とパニックを生み出すからである。獲物を苦しめるのは楽しみの半分でしかない。
Though they call themselves "Perfect Beings", the Khimera become sadistic, animalistic predators when they hunt down and devour human prey. They love to hunt in packs, specifically because it creates more fear and panic. Tormenting their prey is only half the fun.
Once the Khimera have cornered and captured a human woman, they will stick their dicks and tongues in every open hole they can find. They won't stop until they have physically and mentally broken their prey and completely cover them in their seed.
AVレーベルPoROreは、最も悪名高い3つのHゲーム化作品において、キメラの群集心理を完璧に捉えている: 「Ran→Sem~白濁デルモ妻のミイラ捕り~」、「RIN×SEN+Ran→Sem Cross Mix」、「ヘルタースケルター~白濁の村~」である。
AV Label PoROre perfectly captures the mob mentality of the Khimera in three of their most infamous H-game adaptations: "Ran→Sem", "RIN×SEN+Ran→Sem Cross Mix", and "Helter Skelter".
『乱→セム』の敵役たちは、『ライフフォース』の "宇宙少女 "のように、ほとんどすべてのシーンで全裸であり、『ヘルタースケルター』の敵役たちは、頻繁に全裸の痴漢モブを従えている。すべてのHシーンには、輪姦、ダブル挿入、グループセックス、乱交、ぶっかけなどの組み合わせが含まれる。
The antagonists of "Ran→Sem" are completely nude in almost every scene, much like the "Space Girl" in Lifeforce, while the antagonists of "Helter Skelter" are frequently accompanied by naked molester mobs. Every H-scene contains some combination of gangbanging, double penetration, group sex, orgies, and bukkake.
Our poor heroines are surrounded by cocks with no way out. These monsters in human flesh want nothing more than to rape and violate the heroines and turn them into obedient sluts.
私たちの新しいミニシリーズ『キメリアン帝国』は、『Ran→Sem』と、そのクロスオーバー作品である『RIN×SEN+Ran→Sem Cross Mix』から大きな影響を受けている。堕落したヌーディスト教団に洗脳された姉妹の悲劇的な物語は、私たちには手に余るものだった。
Our new mini-series, "Khimerian Empire", was heavily inspired by "Ran→Sem" and its crossover follow-up, "RIN×SEN+Ran→Sem Cross Mix". The tragic tale of two sisters who are brainwashed into a cult of depraved nudists was simply too much for us to handle.
『ヴァンパイア vs サキュバス』のストーリーが展開される中、私たちは、「乱→セム」の主な敵役をそのままデザインした4人のキメラが支配する帝国全体と戦う、別のサキュビたちを主人公にしたスピンオフも構想した。
As the story of "Vampire vs Succubus" was being developed, we also conceived a spin-off featuring another group of succubi fighting a whole empire ruled and controlled by four Khimera whose designs were directly based of the main antagonists of Ran→Sem.
We ultimately abandoned that idea in order to focus on the main story.
Through our new mini-series, we hope to share with you at least half of what we had originally planned...and then some.