THEDANKED1の2周年を記念して、「フタナリ・ヴォイヤー2」セットが新シリーズの第2弾になることを発表します: 「Shiro & Kuro 」です。
As we celebrate two years of THEDANKED1, we announce that the upcoming "Futanari Voyeur 2" set will now become the second installment of our new series: "Shiro & Kuro".
We began our journey on Pixiv in June 2022 by chronicling the rise of Khimera Queen Ange White, as she spread the seed of Barbatos to the unsuspecting cast of HoneySelect 1.

After conquering HS1, the newly-evolved Khimerian horde would try to corrupt the realm of Honey Select 2.

それから間もなく、「THEM 」としか呼ばれない謎のツインテールの悪魔を紹介した。その名を冠したデビュー2部作では、謎めいたマスコットとアバターがハニーセレクト2のキャストを苦しめた。
Not long afterwards, we introduced the mysterious twin-tailed demon known only as "THEM". In their debut eponymous two-parter, our enigmatic mascot and avatar tormented the cast of HoneySelect 2.

It was always our end game to pair these two Corruption Kweens together in a "Danked Pornograpic Universe" story, however, we wanted to do so in a more original setting. Though the two finally met in the Newhalf Night series, and were given a more fleshed-out lore, the series' antagonists were modeled after 'copyrighted' characters and 'real-life' concepts.

サマンサ・クロニクル』と『ヴァンパイアVSサキュバス』の仕事の合間に、私たちは2人の 「フタナリ・ファム・ファタール 」を主人公にした新しいストーリーのアイデアを練っています。『シロ&クロ』は、単体の物語であれ、複数作品のシリーズであれ、今後そのようなプロジェクトの包括的なタイトルとなる予定です。技術的なことを言うなら、『シロ&クロ』は『ニューハーフナイツ』と同じ共有宇宙を舞台にしているが、『サマンサ』や『VVS』、『キメラVSハニーセレクト』とは違う。
In-between work on "The Chronicles of Samantha" and "Vampire VS Succubus", we've been brainstorming ideas for new stories starring our two "Futanari Femme Fatales". "Shiro & Kuro" will be the umbrella title for such projects going forward, be they standalone stories, or a multi-work series. If you wish to get technical, "Shiro & Kuro" is set in the same shared universe as "Newhalf Nights"; but not in those of "Samantha", VVS, or "Khimera VS HoneySelect".
However, as far as our other projects go...

As always, we are grateful for your continued patronage, and we hope you continue to support us.
