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ILLUSION、30周年おめでとう、そしてありがとう。 Happy 30th Anniversary, ILLUSION, and thank you.


July 23rd, 2023 12:56


It was just last year when we decided to take up creating erotic stories in "Honey Select". Our first ever image set, uploaded in June, would be the genesis of what would become the "Khimera vs Honey Select" series. In reality, the purpose of that series was to practice and experiment with something that we've been too scared to do beforehand. By the time the final chapter of that series was posted, we had become so confident in ourselves that we opened a FANBOX for the first time. Now we're getting donations for doing what has become an enjoyable hobby.

ハニーセレクトがなかったら、私たちには目的がなかったでしょう。クリエイティブなビジョンを実現するためのツールを得ることもなかったでしょう。だからこそ、ILLUSIONが "2023年8月18日をもって製品の開発・販売を終了する "と知ったとき、私たちは悲しくなった。30周年を迎えるはずだったこの時期に、突然の発表だった。このタイミングでの発表が、さらに気分を沈ませる。

If it wasn't for Honey Select, we wouldn't have a purpose. We wouldn't have gained the tools to bring our creative vision to life. That's why it saddened us to learn that ILLUSION is terminating "development and sales of [their] products as of 18 August 2023." The announcement came out of nowhere, during what was supposed to be their 30th anniversary. The timing of it all further dampens the mood.


It's hard enough for independent gaming companies to survive, but this is a long-running developer of adult video games. Rumour has it that it was the combination of their games being pirated and the Japanese government's censorship laws that caused them to close up shop. In our opinion: we'd rather hear from ILLUSION themselves why they are closing shop.

ILLUSIONの後を追うのは難しいだろう。彼らのキャラクタークリエイションは他の追随を許さず、『Studio Neo』は3Dキャラクターモデリングを始めたい人にとって素晴らしいツールだった。皮肉なことに、ILLUSIONを殺したとされるものが、彼らの製品を誰もが体験できる唯一の方法となるだろう。

ILLUSION will be a tough act to follow. Their character creation was second-to-none, and "Studio Neo" was a wonderful tool for those looking to get into 3D character modelling. Now, ironically, the very thing that supposedly killed ILLUSION will be the only way anyone will get to experience their products.


There's nothing more we can do except pay tribute to ILLUSION and never forget what we experienced because of them. We owe a lot to ILLUSION, and we will never take what they've given us for granted.


See you next time.


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