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おすすめ / WE RECOMMEND: LIFEFORCE / ライフフォース


October 15th, 2023 17:10

原作は『スペース・バンパイア』という小説だが、1985年のイギリス製ホラー『ライフフォース』はヴァンパイア映画ではない。ひとつ救いがなければ、この映画は忘れ去られてしまうだろう: マチルダ・メイが "スペース・ガール "を演じているのだ。

Though it is based on a novel called "The Space Vampires", 1985 British horror "Lifeforce" isn't really a vampire film. The film would be forgettable if not for one saving grace: Mathilda May as "Space Girl".

「宇宙少女」は、獲物から名ばかりの生命力を奪うことができる人型のエイリアンです。 犠牲者はゾンビとなり、生き残るために他の人間からエネルギーを盗まなければなりません。 しかし、映画はこれに焦点を当てるのではなく、宇宙少女と彼女を発見した宇宙飛行士の一人との関係を掘り下げています。

The "Space Girl" is a humanoid alien capable of stealing the titular life force from their prey. The victims in-turn become zombies who must steal energy from other humans in-order to stay alive. Rather than focus on this, however, the film delves into the connection between Space Girl and one of the astronauts who discovered her.



The film overlaps with that of "Queen of the Damned" in some respects, namely that the central villain barely has any screen time. While the former film compensates for its unfaithfulness to the source material in atmosphere, visuals, and sound, "Lifeforce" is almost uneventful. More often than not, the most interesting events in the story happen offscreen.

The biggest problem of "Queen of the Damned" is the lack of scenes for the titular antagonist; by comparison, Space Girl's 8:30 of screentime steal the spotlight from a film that would be worse off without her.


Lifeforce otherwise stands out with its visuals and practical effects; the by-product of the Horror genre's greatest era. However, it's the unique take on vampires, and the iconic performance by Mathilda May, that make this film a cult classic worth watching.



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